- Tabula Gener. Totius Belgii qua Provinciae XVII Infer. Germaniae olim sub S.R.I. Circulo Burgundiae
Object's details: Tabula Gener. Totius Belgii qua Provinciae XVII Infer. Germaniae olim sub S.R.I. Circulo Burgundiae
Atlas geographicus portatilis, XXIX, mappis orbis habitabilis regna exhibens. Caelo accurate expressit Tobias Conradus Lotterus, delineavit et excudit Tobias Lobeck chalcograph : Augustan. vendit : in ejus aedib. in suburb. Jacobaeo in reg. Paradisi.
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- Resource Identifier: oai:www.sbc.org.pl:40851
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2012-05-15
- Last modification date: 2023-04-07
- Content object's number of views: 44
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See also
Theatrum Belli Belgicum / Germania Inferior
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777). Ryt.
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763). Ryt.
Cercle d'Autriche Östereichische Crais. La Baviere Churf. u. Hertzogt. Bayern
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Regni Hungariae Tabula Generalis
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Potentissimae Helvetiorum Reipublicae Cantones Tredecim
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Totius Regn. Galliae Sive Franciae Tabula
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
L'Allemagne ou l'Empire Romaine. Germania H. Römische Reich Mit Seinen X. Craissen
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Cercles de Baviere de Suabe, de Franconie du Rhin tant suvenieur qu' inferieur= Bayrische Crais, Schwabische Cr. Franckische Crais, Ober u. Nider Rhenische Crais
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)