- Totius Regn. Galliae Sive Franciae Tabula
Object's details: Totius Regn. Galliae Sive Franciae Tabula
Atlas geographicus portatilis, XXIX, mappis orbis habitabilis regna exhibens. Caelo accurate expressit Tobias Conradus Lotterus, delineavit et excudit Tobias Lobeck chalcograph : Augustan. vendit : in ejus aedib. in suburb. Jacobaeo in reg. Paradisi.
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- Resource Identifier: oai:www.sbc.org.pl:40846
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2012-05-15
- Last modification date: 2023-04-07
- Content object's number of views: 35
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See also
Tabula Gener. Totius Belgii qua Provinciae XVII Infer. Germaniae olim sub S.R.I. Circulo Burgundiae
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777). Ryt.
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763). Ryt.
Cercle d'Autriche Östereichische Crais. La Baviere Churf. u. Hertzogt. Bayern
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Regni Hungariae Tabula Generalis
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Potentissimae Helvetiorum Reipublicae Cantones Tredecim
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
L'Allemagne ou l'Empire Romaine. Germania H. Römische Reich Mit Seinen X. Craissen
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Cercles de Baviere de Suabe, de Franconie du Rhin tant suvenieur qu' inferieur= Bayrische Crais, Schwabische Cr. Franckische Crais, Ober u. Nider Rhenische Crais
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Date:[ok. 1760]
Contributor:Lobeck, Tobias (czynny 1730-1763)
Superioris Atque Inferioris Alsatiae Tabula Perquam Accurata et Exacta; Proximis Regionib. Jucunde Huic Infertis, Annexisque ex Conatibus
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)