- Fine and precious books and manuscripts from the library of a nobleman, founded in the 16th century. Manuscripts of the 12th - 15th century mostly on vellum among with a 13th century Bible richly illuminated by Bolognese artists; a fine musical manuscript of the early 12th century ...
Object's details: Fine and precious books and manuscripts from the library of a nobleman, founded in the 16th century. Manuscripts of the 12th - 15th century mostly on vellum among with a 13th century Bible richly illuminated by Bolognese artists; a fine musical manuscript of the early 12th century ...
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- Resource Identifier: oai:www.sbc.org.pl:576046
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2022-05-20
- Last modification date: 2022-07-20
- Content object's number of views: 93
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See also
"Książka", Lwów. Katalog aukcyjny biblioteki. Marzec 1933
Aurea biblia, sive Repertorium aureum bibliorum, Lat.
Creator:Rampigollis, Antonius
Date:6 VIII 1495
Contributor:Bindo de Senis
Katalog inkunabułów biblioteki Opactwa mogilskiego, oraz katalog inkunabułów bibl. klasztoru Cystersów w Szczyrzycu
Creator:Kowalski, Gerard (1881-1919)
[Tablica piąta z domu aukcyjnego Dorotheum. Inc.] Conditions des Ventes […] Briefmarken-Abteilung des Dorotheum […].
Date:[między 1918 i 1939?]
Type:druk ulotny
Beschreibung des ältesten Büches der k.k. öffentl[ichen] Bibliothek Mährens
Katalog inkunabułów Bibljoteki fundacji Wiktora hr. Baworowskiego we Lwowie
Creator:Kotula, Rudolf (1870-1940)
Starodruki Reči Pospolitoï XVI-XVIII st.st. : u zibrannâh Muzeû knigi ta drukarstva m. Ostroga i Volins'kogo kraeznavčogo muzeû : katalog.
Creator:Pozìhovs'ka, Svìtlana Volodimirìvna (1957- ). Redaktor
Contributor:Volins'kij Kraêznavčij Muzej. Instytucja sprawcza