- A new and correct map of North America, with the West India Islands, divided according to the last Treaty of Peace, Concluded at Paris, the 20th of Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly Distinguished, the thirteen Provinces wich Compose The United States of North America- [arkusz 1]
Object's details: A new and correct map of North America, with the West India Islands, divided according to the last Treaty of Peace, Concluded at Paris, the 20th of Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly Distinguished, the thirteen Provinces wich Compose The United States of North America- [arkusz 1]
Atlas świata Tobiasa Lottera.
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- Resource Identifier: oai:www.sbc.org.pl:448506
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- Creation date: 2021-01-01
- Last modification date: 2023-01-16
- Content object's number of views: 34
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See also
A new and correct map of North America, with the West India Islands, divided according to the last Treaty of Peace, Concluded at Paris, the 20th of Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly Distinguished, the thirteen Provinces wich Compose The United States of North America- [arkusz 3]
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Contributor:Lotter, Mateusz Albrecht (1741-1810). Rytownik; Lotter, Georg Friedrich (1744-1801). Rytownik
A new and correct map of North America, with the West India Islands, divided according to the last Treaty of Peace, Concluded at Paris, the 20th of Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly Distinguished, the thirteen Provinces wich Compose The United States of North America- [arkusz 4]
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
A new and correct map of North America, with the West India Islands, divided according to the last Treaty of Peace, Concluded at Paris, the 20th of Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly Distinguished, the thirteen Provinces wich Compose The United States of North America- [arkusz 2]
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Contributor:Lotter, Mateusz Albrecht (1741-1810). Rytownik; Lotter, Georg Friedrich (1744 - 1801). Rytownik
America Septentrionalis, Concinnata juxta Observationes Dnñ. [dominorum] Academiae Regalis Scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum, et juxta annotationes recentissimas
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Contributor:Lotter, Georg Friedrich (1744-1801). Rytownik; Delisle, Guillaume (1675-1726)
Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada, avec L'Isle de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle Escosse, Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre avec Fleuve de St. Laurence
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Contributor:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777). Rytownik; Seutter, Albrecht Carl (1722-1762). Rysownik
Pensylvania Nova Jersey et Nova York cum regionibus ad Fluvium Delaware in America Sitis, nova delineatione
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Contributor:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777). Rytownik
Potentia Archiducum Austriae sive Circuli Austriaci delineatio
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
Novissima et Accuratissima Helvetiae, Rhaetiae, Valesiae, et Partis Sabaudiae Tabula
Creator:Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)