- Agenda Provinciae Ecclesiasticae Moraviae. Pars secunda : De Exsequiis.
Object's details: Agenda Provinciae Ecclesiasticae Moraviae. Pars secunda : De Exsequiis.
- Title:
- Subject and Keywords:
- Description: ;
- Publisher:
- Place of publishing:
- Date:
- Resource Type:
- Format:
- Resource Identifier: oai:www.sbc.org.pl:44292
- Language: ; ;
- Oryginal in: ; ;
- Digitization:
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- Rights:
Object is located in the collections:
Additional information
- Creation date: 2012-07-02
- Last modification date: 2020-01-24
- Content object's number of views: 2987
- You could also download the object's description in these formats: ;
- Historical Text Recognition:
See also
Nowenna do Świętego Józefa oblubieńca Najświętszej Marji Panny.
Creator:Hołubowicz, Józef (1835-1887).