- Grabe-Schrifft. [Inc.] "Hhe liegt vnd mit Haut vnd Bein, Der tapffer Herr von Wallenstein" [...].
Object's details: Grabe-Schrifft. [Inc.] "Hhe liegt vnd mit Haut vnd Bein, Der tapffer Herr von Wallenstein" [...].
- Title:
- Wariant tytułu: ;
- Subject and Keywords: ; ; ; ; ;
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- Description: ; ;
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- Date:
- Resource Type:
- Resource Identifier: oai:www.sbc.org.pl:388366
- Source:
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2019-10-18
- Last modification date: 2019-10-18
- Content object's number of views: 64
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See also
Incipit Discursus inter politicum que[n]dam et mercatore[m] Austriacum
Date:[ok. 1634]
Alberti Fridlandi Perdvellionis Chaos Sive Ingrati Animi Abyssvs.