- A treatise describing the construction, and explaining the use, of new celestial and terrestrial globes. Designed to illustrate [...] the phoenomena of the earth and heavens, and to shew the correspondence of the two spheres. With a great variety of astronomical and geographical problems . By George Adams [...]. The second edition [...]
Szczegóły obiektu: A treatise describing the construction, and explaining the use, of new celestial and terrestrial globes. Designed to illustrate [...] the phoenomena of the earth and heavens, and to shew the correspondence of the two spheres. With a great variety of astronomical and geographical problems . By George Adams [...]. The second edition [...]
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- Data utworzenia: 2013-12-31
- Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 2022-10-14
- Liczba wyświetleń treści obiektu: 1787
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