

Archive file/source file/master file

Digital registration of the original object, documenting its appearance in detail with parameters (high resolution, high bit depth of color) that ensure the substitution of the image of the original. The archive file is intended for perpetual (i.e., without defining an end date) preservation. The master has a documented format, is not processed, only lossless storage compression is allowed. The stock of archive files can account for 80-95% of the total volume of the digital library resource. Modern DL systems allow users to download the source files of publications. For library documents acquired in TIFF format, for photogaphs – RAW.




An orderly index of books, printed matter, periodicals, articles or other documents.


A tool for formatting bibliographies; a format for bibliographic data.




A set of digital objects belonging to the same category, sharing common distinguishing characteristics.

Compact publication

A document issued as a closed whole, or a series of documents having a predetermined ending.

Continuous publication

A series of documents with a unpredictable ending. It is released at a certain frequency.



Description (bibliographic) of a DL document/object

The part of a digital library publication/object containing metadata, i.e. data about the object and its contents. Metadata is produced according to standardized schemas, which enables its exchange between services and the creation of aggregate information systems (e.g. Ariadna, Digital Libraries Federation, Europeana) through aggregation. The description schema commonly used in BC to describe publications is Dublin Core.

Digital library publication/digital library object

Digital object consisting of description - metadata and content file - digital registration of original/analog document/object or created as digital.


Processing analog documents into digital format. Creating a digital representation of a physical object.


A specialized file format designed to store scanned documents at very high compression levels with the ability to store a layer of recognized text. Historically used for content presentation to minimize digital capture of very large library documents. Nowadays in DL, for large documents that do not require text recognition, sometimes used in HC(High Compression)-PDF technology as the content of a PDF file-container. In DL, full DjVu -> PDF conversion has been done, leaving DjVu as an additional format.



Graphics resolution

The number of horizontal and vertical pixels that make up a digital image.

Group publication

A multi-part publication that has a collective description of a group of documents and a structure that organizes their order and hierarchy. It can be natural (magazines, multi-volume publications) or artificial (additional division of the journal sequence into months, breaking down the volume of a scientific publication into articles, in order to describe each part in detail).




Alphabetical index for specific document description values (index of authors, titles, publishers, etc.) relating to publications.


International Standard Book Number.


International Standard Serial Number.




A word or phrase that characterizes a document and its contents. It is part of the bibliographic description and a search tool.




A protocol used for a digital library to provide bibliographic metadata, which are descriptions of digital objects, and collect them by a data aggregator.

OCR (optical character recognition)

The process of recognizing characters and whole texts in image files based on the image of the text. After scanning the pages of a document and using recognition software, it is possible to save the text layer to a file (e.g., to a PDF file that also contains the registration of the page image). The recognized text is editable and can be indexed, enabling text (phrase) searches in a digital library.

Old prints

Printed documents produced from the invention of the printing press and movable type until the end of the 18th century.

Open access

The approach of digital content creators in acquiring, preserving and presenting digital content produced by public cultural, scientific and educational institutions, aiming at communicatively efficient, economically accessible, free, universal and sustainable access to reliable digital resources.



Point cloud

A set of points produced by three-dimensional laser scanning, which is a geometric representation of a 3D object.

Presentation file

A file designed to present a digital object to users. Created from production files, (for text documents) subjected to text recognition (OCR) and strong lossy compression. Usually contains a text layer, indexed by the digital library system, and a graphic image of the original. The stock of presentation files is 2-5% of the total BC stock. For library documents PDF, JPEG, JP2 (for streaming IIIF presentation).

Production master file

Created from an archive file, geometrically corrected (trimming redundant areas, straightening to text lines) and tonally (contrast corrector, color corrector) auxiliary intermediate file, intended to produce a usable presentation file. A small amount of lossy image compression is acceptable. The file is usually retained by the DL to quickly produce a new presentation file, without the need for re-editing. For library documents, saved in JPEG format, preserving the resolution and depth of the source file. The production file resource is 10-15% of the total volume of the DL resource.




An indication of where the document is stored in the library.

Resource format

DL publication/object content file saving format.


A file format used for the exchange of bibliographic data by citation programs.



Search in content (phrasal)

Search for a word or phrase only in the text of a document.

Search in description

Search for a word or phrase only in the bibliographic description of the document.

Spatio-temporal volume

A marker representing a historical place. It consists of the name, the geographical area marked on the map and the date range of the historical place.

Structure (of the publication)

Arrangement of the components of a group publication, defining their division and order, allowing navigation of its parts.
E.g., in the SDL, “Dziennik Zachodni” has the structure:
General description --> Yearbook --> Month --> Number proper.

Subject Headings

A headword describing the contents of a particular document. National Library and KABA subject headwords are used in the SDL.



360 degree photo

A method of presenting a 3D object that depicts the object from multiple angles; a series of individual images taken from evenly spaced angles around the object.

3D object

A three-dimensional object belonging to a cultural institution, such as a stage prop, museum exhibit.


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