@misc{Larmane_L._Fluorescence, author={Larmane, L. and Ivanchenko, L. and Petuhovs, V. and Rusakova N. and Silova A. and Rainsford, K. D. and Zvagule, T. and Voicehovska, J. and Rozentale, B. and Skesters, A.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={HARD Publishing Company}, language={eng}, title={Fluorescence Method for Selenium Determination in the Blood Plasma of Bronchial Asthma, Hepatitis C Virus, HCV/HIV Co-Infection Diseases and Post-Chernobyl Syndrome Patients}, type={materiały konferencyjne}, keywords={ochrona radiologiczna, obrazowanie medyczne, fototerapia, bioelektromagnetyzm, radioterapia, fotochemioterapia, inżynieria biomedyczna, pomiary biochemiczne, pomiary biofizyczne}, }