@misc{Adeleye_Olurotimi_Heat, author={Adeleye Olurotimi and Yinusa Ahmed}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Wydaw. Politechniki Częstochowskiej}, language={eng}, type={artykuł}, title={Heat transfer analysis of non-newtonian natural convective fluid flow using homotopy perturbation and Daftardar-Gejiji & Jafari methods}, keywords={non-Newtonian fluids, natural convection, vertically infinite plates, Daftardar-Gejiji & Jafari Method (DJM), Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), ciecz nieniutonowska, konwekcja naturalna, metoda Daftardar-Gejiji i Jafari, metoda perturbacji homotopii}, }